Tuesday, December 20, 2016


This is the typical seating arrangement when I visit Abby's house - Greg nestled in VERY close, both arms wrapped around my one arm, making me feel both quite loved and slightly claustrophobic. Thank goodness he doesn't mind getting accidentally elbowed in the stomach every once in a while. The best is when Abby and I are playing Super Mario bros - this arrangement somewhat lessens my range of motion, but he just giggles and tightens his grip :)

Greg Bryan is the biggest cheeser - for pictures, for dinner conversation, for dancing, for anything. He's so funny to me, I love making him take pictures with me, and I think his stuttering laugh is hilarious. His little voice is darling - I love that he loves dinosaurs, and I'm always happy to hear him talk about his interests. I think he will always be 4-5 years old in my mind (sorry GB). Like his other siblings, he's super helpful - you ask him to get something for you and he pops right up, runs as fast as he can to retrieve said 'thing,' races back to you, says, "here you go!" and then goes right back to whatever he was doing. Sometimes when he does drag a bit, you can tease him a little, and that little mopey frown gets pulled at the corners and try as he might, that smile can't be held back. And he makes you want to help him as well with his sweet way of asking for something, or kind of, sort of, not really asking for something but mentioning that it's been a long time since something happened and hint hint, smile smile, giggle. I love his joy when you accept the request and head off on a fun adventure.

He also got his dad's sense of hat style, and he wears a cardigan like a boss, so he's got a good fashion future ahead of him.

Greg has been a darling youngest sibling for a number of years now - his sweet friendship with Will is so precious to me, watching them play games and imagine together. And he and Ellee have always had a special relationship as well, as she has doted on him and he's been willing to be her doll and tag-along as well. But watching him become an older brother to Brynn has been so great - he's so sweet and tender with her, and he's continued to be his very helpful self with whatever she might need - sure, sometimes the burp cloth lands on top of her instead of next to her in his haste to return to a game - but seeing him go over and kiss her little forehead before rushing off to some next thing is so adorable! Never grow up, GB, stay my little guy forever please!


1 comment:

Jodi said...

Gwweeegy!!! I love this guy!!! I feel like we get each other. He is so charming and I love when he gets a little grumpy. It is so fun to cheer him up and see his adorable smile re-appear!