Monday, April 16, 2012

Why I Love Spring: An Ode.

I adore thee, Spring, my love.
Your warmth and brightness rains down from above
Like a soft April shower,
which lovingly feeds the beautiful flower
That, plucked tenderly from the ground,
blooms beautifully, a symbol of my love's eternal round.

- Kate B. 
Amateur poet

That poem basically makes no sense at all. And yet, it makes all the sense in the world. Without making any whatsoever.

However, I think it gets the point across. I haven't been able to stop waxing {un}eloquently about Spring since the first day of 60 degree weather happened. And since that happened back in February (I loved our warm winter), I suppose I should really record the start of my consistently cheerfulness and joy with mid-March. Since then, I've just been totally content with this season that I've come to decide is truly my favorite of the 4.

And looking back on the past week, please indulge me as I list some of the reasons why Spring brings out the terrible, though sincere, poet in me:

Outdoor Sports - I went to a baseball game Friday night - we won in 13 innings. On Friday the 13th. (My new favorite player won the game for us, incidentally - and I had already chosen him as my favorite, before that happened!) Go Nats! I think Baseball may be my favorite sport to actually attend and watch in person these days.

Spring Service Projects - I went to the DC Temple and helped with prettying their grounds, deadheading billions of daffodils and other already-bloomed-and-died flowers. 4 hours under a soft, warm sun. My back is still a little tired, but it was lovely. It also helped that I was in good company with the 5 other girls deadheading with me. It was great getting to know them better!

Afternoon Walks - I went to visit a girl on Sunday who recently moved into the area and joined our church congregation. Walking through my neighborhood was so wonderful. People were out and about, yards were being groomed, dads were golfing in the park with daughters (one dad and daughter, actually. Not plural. Just to clarify). I stopped by another house of friends for a second afterwards, and took the long way home.

Lunch Breaks Outside - my coworker and I took our lunch outside today during work. We had to sit in the shade so we didn't overheat too much (89 degrees! Didn't want to be all sweaty gross the rest of the workday...). The fresh air was energizing to my tired body and unmotivated brain.

General Renewal and Happiness Wafting from My Pores - I think I emit some sense of complete contentedness and peace, which seems to be intoxicating to others. People smile at me on the street. My dating life is totally reinvigorated (scientifically proven - my dating picks up significantly each year through the Spring and Summer, then dies a quick, brutal, hypothermic death as the cold weather suffocates it...imagery!).  I get checked out more in public, which is flattering when it isn't creepy. Just tonight, 3 different guys checked me and my friend out as we were out and about for dinner together. And the fact that I noticed means it really happened - because I'm generally oblivious to that otherwise. And I wasn't even looking that great today! It's happiness, I swear it! Happiness is super cute!

What I'm basically saying is that Spring just looks good on me. And here I thought I was a Summer/Winter skin tone...

Also I think, indirectly, it means that I'm feeling less nervous about being 26. Because apparently the mature-but-still-youngish woman look looks good on me.

SIDE NOTE: Peeps, I turn 26 soon. In less than ONE month. What?! 25 was weird, but not really too hard. 26 has been feeling a little weighty, but I think the more I say the number, the less old and weary it sounds. 26. 26. 26 - the new 23.

At least I'm not turning 30. Yikes, now that's old! (Lots of love to my sweet sister Abby, and happy birthday next week! 30 is a great age! It's the new 20!).

I'm so glad 30's still 4 years away...

1 comment:

*Abby* said...

Kate, 2 thoughts:

You are right happiness is super cute!
Thanks for the birthday shout outs... And I am okay with turning 30... I hear that the sex is better! Ha!