Friday, April 27, 2012

Pimp My Mac

Guys, I did it. I got a Mac. I've joined the hipster, elitist masses and sold my soul to the Man people still argue is the champion of the little guy - Apple, Inc.

Actually, a lot of normal people I know and love have macs, so I don't think I'm too much of a poser right now, trying to be cool. I think I can still consider myself normal. Perhaps slightly better than the common person, but normal nonetheless.

I won't lie - I've been missing my PC a little bit. The newness that is a Mac is more life-changing than I though. Literally everything is different on a Mac. Buttons are different. Keyboard shortcuts are different. Applications are different. There's no 'del' button on my mac to delete the words behind the cursor. There's no extra keypad for me to type numbers on (that was a special feature I added on my PC when I created it - I didn't realize how much I'd miss that...). I had no idea how to access my various folders and files for a while - no "My Computer!!!" This "Finder" thing is still throwing me off. And the scrolling - it's actually a great thing, this 2-finger scroll idea; it's just that I keep scrolling the wrong way - my PC asked that I scroll on the side of the mousepad, rolling down to bring the page down. On here, I scroll 2 fingers upward to go down. I keep bouncing all over the place on this computer, trying to scroll the way I want to go, trying not to over think what I'm doing because it's so silly, but inevitably over thinking it anyway.

But the more I use this new computer, the more I get comfortable with it. And it's got some things my PC certainly lacked. For one thing, it's soooo gorgeous. So shiny and silver. The apple on the front, lit up when in use, is so pretty. The screen is so glossy. And the actual computer - it's soft like thin, crushed velvet. Not too smooth and greasy like my PC sometimes got, but soft and warm. I find myself caressing it during those moments when I'm thinking of what to type next. It's really quite lovely.

And with something so lovely, it's only necessary that I eventually get some body art on it. Because tattoos are awesome and everyone who loves their bodies gets one these days (sorry, I couldn't hold it in - I vomited in my mouth a little as I typed that. I actually really dislike tattoos, they just look so dirty. I'm not often impressed by someone's tattoos - even if it's a sprawling motivational phrase is beautiful calligraphy, like "the sky is the limit." I just don't like them, okay?)

Anyway. I looked at some decals on Etsy, and found some that I like. I also found the Winner - the one that will grace my computer screen at some point, probably after it's 2 month birthday at the earliest. Gotta set some age restrictions or things get all sorts of out of hand. Would you like to see what I found?
(This clever one is in honor of my nephew Max - which made me wonder: did Max get to read and love Where The Wild Things Are? Because that's a darn good book and I'd feel sad if he didn't get to enjoy that namesake...)

And...the WINNER:

Awesome, yes? I love it. It provokes some good memories - like how when I played Super Mario Bros. with Abby, and we'd get to levels with Yoshis, I could never seem to stay on mine, and Will kept jumping off his yoshi and freaking out until we got him back on, just so he could immediately press the button to jump off again...also I sometimes play Mario Kart as Yoshi - because who doesn't like being him?

Of course, if I don't end up bedazzling my little Maccie with Yoshi, it will only be because it got beat by my beloved Calvin and Hobbes. I will always love C&H - the smart person's comic strip, I like to call it. I would read them when I was younger (I liked to steal Zach's C&H books when he left for college), and then when I was a Philosophy minor at school, the main philosophy professor liked to incorporate the comic strip whenever he could - which was often. Calvin's imagination of the Self, time travel, and beauty just seemed to introduce class lectures so well, you know? Plus his snowman creations were always amazing.

Oh that boy. I just kind of love him.

*All decal pictures from Etsy stores.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can you send a link of where you can buy the last Calvin and Hobbes mac decal - the one of calvin destroying the city.