Monday, April 9, 2012


Do you guys remember this show? Did you ever watch it??

I remember watching this at home a lot, I think in high school - it was on Spike TV, at like 11pm or something late night. It was so great just to zone out during...until someone got knocked out hard or had a ridiculously awesome dunk. In which you either let out a huge groan or an awe-struck "WHAT?!" - as quietly as possible, so as not to awake the parentals in the room above you.

Maybe I'm mixing this up with other late-night show memories, but I feel like I watched this with siblings often enough as well. It was a perfect show to watch after making a late-night pudding snack with Abby while she was home visiting, or to watch with one of the brothers as they passed through.

Oh SlamBall, how I miss you.

Though it sounds like the sport itself is still going strong (relatively speaking). Spike - bring it back to your programming!

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