Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Making of a Care Bear T-Shirt

How to make a Care Bear tummy symbol t-shirt:

1. Obtain t-shirt in color of desired bear
2. Buy fabric paint
3. Using white fabric paint, create a large white circle in the middle of the t-shirt (see Image 1). You may want two coats to make it really solid white. This will be the main background for the tummy symbol design.

 Image 1.

4. With a picture of the tummy symbol to reference as your guide, free-hand the symbol on the white circle, using the necessary colors (see Image 2).

Image 2.

5. Let dry.

Warning: t-shirts will be adorable (see Images 3, 4, and 5), which will make it difficult to want to wear them in the mud race they were created for.

 Image 3.

Image 4.

Image 5.

All credit of this project goes to my dear friend Jillian Busath. She created these masterpieces. My one contribution was adding the 2nd coat on my shirt while she painted another shirt's symbol - I had come by after a run the other night and wanted to be part of the t-shirt party she was having. And boy, was it a party, indeed! But how could it not be with One Direction blasting from the speakers. Best part of the night? "Which One Direction boy should be your boyfriend?!" quizzes. Mine was Niall, the cute, blond, Irish one. EEEEEEE!!!!!!!! (more shrill, girlish screams!!! Because, OMGoodness, he's sooooo cute!)

The t-shirts were seriously adorable - and still are, of course. Just a wee bit mud-tinged now is all. And by wee bit, I mean, stained brown. Hopefully the mud washes out eventually...

The race itself was awesome. And of course, pictures of the t-shirts pre- and post-race will be forthcoming (when I get them from the other girls...). Stay tuned!

*Note: the care bears each girl wore was as follows:
Jillian: Funshine Bear (yellow)
Kate: Friend Bear (orange)
Kaitlyn: Love-a-Lot Bear (pink)
Kim: Good Luck Bear (green)

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