Thursday, October 13, 2011

New Zealanders, Jigsaw Puzzle Part 3, and the Obligatory Puzzle Picture (and one more random thought)

My New Zealand boyfriend came to the office again yesterday. I was giddy all day in anticipation of his arrival. I've decided I like all New Zealanders by default, since the 4 that I've met through work have been just lovely. Particularly my boyfriend.

I sat at my desk, peering over my hutch to catch a glimpse of him as he waited just on the other side for my boss to come out and welcome them into his office for their meeting. He asked me a few questions sporadically during that time, and I tried to keep the girlish giggling in check for my responses. Then they went into the meeting, and I started breathing again.

Coworker Rachel knows I love him so very much, so she's been teasing me since I put that meeting on the schedule. She was sitting in on the meeting, and she smiled conspiratorially as she followed Boyfriend et al into the office. When the meeting ended, Boyfriend and another guy came out to the main office while the boss kept the 2 main guys back, joking around with them about their workout schedules (one of them was quite fit for an older man) and other things that seasoned leaders of countries chat about. Rachel kept looking over at me as Boyfriend and other guy chatted with coworker Darin. Finally, as the men came out of the boss's office, Boyfriend came over to me to thank me for getting this meeting set up with him. He smiled and shook my hand, and I melted a little as I tried to say something that resembled, "no problem, I'm glad we could get something set up."

Unfortunately, while I melted on the inside, my hand remained cold as ice while he shook it. I know I have cold hands, and spending all day typing on a computer or using a mouse makes them extra cold, but shoot, even I wondered if he was shaking hands with Death when I touched his hand and realized how warm normal people's hands are...blast. Sadly, he didn't offer to warm them up before they all walked out. He did give me one more darling Boyfriend smile as he left our office, though - I can still see it in my mind...sigh.

I jumped on gmail a little bit later and started chatting with former coworker Tyler to let him know he missed the New Zealanders - he's got a bit of a man-crush for these guys, too. Well, on the whole country, really (who doesn't?). He asked me if I worked it with Boyfriend, if I showed him "a little midwestern charm."

My response? "No, I was too nervous!!" Because I was. Then I confessed all my anxieties and disappointments and joys about Boyfriend to former coworker Tyler, and he gently eased my worries and supported my hopes with, "he'll probably call later."

I'm still waiting for his call...

But I think it'll come soon.

In completely unrelated news, I've finished my jigsaw puzzle! And here is the picture of the completed puzzle, as proof:

I actually finished it Monday evening - thank you again, Christopher Columbus. It's sitting on my table still, to remind me of what perseverance and determination can bring about. And because it was quite a bit of work, so I don't want to clean it up just yet. Plus, I just don't like cleaning up puzzles. It's kind of a bother, pulling each piece apart, so that I won't cheat myself the next time I do it.

Anyway, it's done, and I'm a nerd. But I'm okay with it.

P.S. Have you watched the Harvard Sailing Team's video, "Boys will be Girls?" I mention this only because my last sentence of "But I'm okay with it" almost looked a lot different - in my head, I quoted a line from this video, but then I didn't want to explain it, but then I couldn't stop thinking about it, so instead of just saying what it is and ruining it for anyone new to the program; instead I'm going to say something obscure like something made me think of something else, and you should watch that something else so that, while you still don't know what the original something is, you can choose what you think it might've been yourself. Is that enough of a run-on, confusing piece of my brain for you? Basically - you need to watch it, and then we can discuss it later. I don't often direct people to YouTube for silly videos - that's coworker Matt's job. So trust me on this, if you aren't already laughing because you know the video I'm talking about. And if you already do know what I'm talking about? Watch it again anyway. It's still funny, even if you've seen it before! Whaaaaaaaaat?!

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