Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ma Musique

Is it weird that I've been listening to french music lately?

Because I've been enjoying it, but if it's strange, I'll stop.

I certainly don't understand what I'm listening to (4 years of high school french 7 years ago only gets you so far). Maybe I should look up the lyrics, at least to make sure I'm not supporting some crazy french opinions. I don't think I am, though. But of course, I still don't really know.

And it's not like I'm listening to weird, old music; it's current, popular music of today - at least, I think it's popular in France right now. Though I don't really know that either.

I'm only listening to one artist's music anyway, so maybe that's better? I'm not going crazy and listening to all things french now. Or maybe I should - maybe that'd make it less weird?

Oh forget it, I'm going to continue listening, without shame.

Did you hear me? SANS SHAME!

Excuse moi, Je vais aller écouter ma musique française à nouveau.

à bientôt, mes amis!

1 comment:

blackandwhitewaldo said...

Oh, my sweet Kate...I am "avec shame" and suffering from "beaucoup de honte" for missing this post. Je le regrette enormement! (please excuse the inability of blogger to include the appropriate accent marks for the letter "e".) Nonetheless, please let me / us / the world, in general, know where you found the French music. If so, you might check out Lara Fabian...which of course links to other French "artistes."

I must note that, given the "absence de shout-outs" (loosely translated as "absence of shout-outs"), I am questioning the degree of culture and refinement of your clientele (tes amis and amies, tes camarades, etc.) Do I need to feel bad for you?