Thursday, January 12, 2012

City Sights While Walking to the Metro on a Mild Winter's Night

Tonight as I was walking to the metro from work, I passed by a guy strumming his guitar, singing Eric Clapton's classic, "Layla."

A homeless man was standing just behind him, singing backup vocals on the chorus.

I don't believe the original performer was anticipating becoming a group act, but I thought it worked.

It begs the question, though: does the homeless man gets a cut of the donation earnings at the end of the night?

On a related note: tonight as I was walking to the metro from work, I realized that Eric Clapton was saying "Layla" in that song. I don't know why I never caught that. I always figured he was saying something like "Hey Love" or something - which totally works. I never expect musicians to use actual names, so I never hear them when they do. I always just make up my own words at that point...

On a related side-note: I'm not nearly as astute in music lyric understanding as I was when I was younger. I was amazing when I was in middle school. Now I practically make up my own songs when I listen to the radio. Case in point: Rihanna's "We Found Love." Apparently she's saying "we found love in a hopeless place," not "in a parking space..."

Which is practically the same thing, if you think about it long enough.

1 comment:

Berkley said...

Um, I laughed realllly awkwardly and loudly to your last bit about Rihanna's song... hahaha