Friday, September 30, 2011

{Barely} Working for the Weekend

I'm not going to make it through the day.

It's only 2:35.

And I've been ready to go home for about 5 hours.

It's the last day of Congress's Recess before we start up again Monday night.

And Capitol Hill is totally dead (figuratively).

The office is ridiculously quiet.

And I'm antsy.

I've got a bad case of the jimmy legs.

And jimmy arms.

I got the jimmies all over, actually.

I also realized that a lot of people don't actually know that phrase - the jimmies/jimmy legs/jimmy arms.

It's been popularized by the hit 90's comedic sitcom Seinfeld.

I don't know if you've heard of it before.

Not enough people really know Seinfeld, I suppose. Like really know it. Like I do.

I needed to pinpoint the episode that popularized this term (in our house, at least) the other day after using the term in a conversation with a friend, and I ended up reading the entire episode script.

It's a funny show, that Seinfeld.

I think we must've called it the jimmy legs before Seinfeld used it, but I really can't be sure.

Either way, it's common Barlow vernacular. And I think more people should use it. It's a great term.

Restless Leg Syndrome just seems too intense in some circumstances.

Though I'm pretty sure I have acute RLS.

I got it from my mother.

It's hereditary, I've decided.

Because it's always easier to blame genetics and family for all your problems.

So I'll also blame my impatience for this day to be over on genetics, too.

It's the cool thing to do, after all.

If it weren't for my parents, I'd be able to get through this day more patiently.

I just know it.

It's 2:43 now.

I've only been able to waste 8 minutes.

I'll give my parents a break - I'm blaming Nature this time.

Nature makes time so slow sometimes.

I have nothing to do with this. I'm a product of my environment. All the forces around me are causing me to painfully and impatiently struggle through 195 more minutes before I can leave and start the weekend.

The weekend for which I've made no plans.

195 more minutes until I get to go home and potentially sit around my house, doing nothing.

Kind of like right now.

But in the future.

When work is over.

So it's better.

I think I've got a case of the jimmy brain right now, too...

194 more minutes.

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