Saturday, March 31, 2012

Jigsaw Surprises

I bought a new jigsaw puzzle a few weeks ago, and this afternoon seemed like the perfect time to start it.

It was a puzzle from the folk art of Eric Dowdle, and the one I bought was of Madison, Wisconsin's capital. Awesome, right? I love the lakes around Wisconsin. I wish I had spent more time on the lakes, and at the picturesque lakefront in Milwaukee while I was growing up.

As I was working on it, I came across a puzzle piece with a picture that looked surprisingly familiar to me:

Two Latter-day Saint missionaries! Hey guys! So good to see you!

A minute's research led me to learn that Eric Dowdle is an LDS artist, so of course he'd put missionaries in his folk art. I wonder if all the state captial puzzles have a pair of missionaries? I mean, it would be an accurate portrayal of the cities, since there would physically be missionaries there anyway...

Turns out, I was listening to the leaders of our church talk in General Conference at the time that I found this puzzle piece, which just seemed so fitting.

And two and a half hours after starting, I am this far on the puzzle:

Yay for 500 piece puzzles! They just go sooo much faster than 1000 piece ones...

Perfect Saturday afternoon respite.

1 comment:

Berkley said...

Hmm that's weird. I grew up with a guy named Eric Dowdle... this LDS artist isn't a 28 year old from MT, is he? ha ha (I'm guessing not)