Thursday, March 22, 2012

And Now For Something Completely Different (From the Last Post)-

I was so cranky this morning. I was not in the most pleasant of moods when I got to work, and I was a little bit emotional for some reason (no biological or social or rationally emotional reason). I was getting anxious about stuff that I didn't need to worry about and I wanted the day to be over. It was gross and foggy and overcast and blah outside, and my heart wasn't into the day in any way whatever.

I tried to lift my spirits by looking at kittens I could adopt in the DC area. For some reason, the idea of kittens just sounded so happy and cute, I had to try. I pulled up so many pictures of adorable kittens, and my mood definitely changed, but I don't know if it made me feel happier or sadder! So many kittens needing homes, and I can't help them all! 

I almost splurged and adopted two tuxedo kittens (it was a 2-for-1 deal - and the adoption price was pretty great!), until I remembered my roommates/landlord may or may not love that idea. But I kept their picture up to flip back to sometimes to bring a sad, doting smile to my face every once in a while through the day.

My friend told me I had to go out and get lunch somewhere fun, which might make me feel better. I mainly just knew I needed some fresh air, so I decided to treat myself to a nice lunch at Cosi with a delicious tuscan pesto sandwich and a book. I didn't have a book with me (the one I'm reading is a little too heavy to carry around in my purse...) so I went to our office "library" - a shelf with all the books people send to our office for us to read.  Most of them are boring economic or political books that I care nothing for, but there was a book on there I'd been meaning to read. It was a story of a guy who was in one of the World Trade Towers, and how he got out.  The man lives in our district and came out for a meeting once, bringing us a copy of his book, and I'd wanted to read it because he had a really cool story.

So I went to lunch, pulled out my book, and found myself totally tearing up in chapter two, when it's describing the tower being hit. I should note that the man is blind from birth, and the story is how he and his sweet seeing eye dog found their way down 78 floors, and helped others to get out along the way. 

I returned to the office, remarking to coworker Rachel that this was not a good book for an already emotional girl to try reading on her lunch break. 

But as I walked back to the office, I saw that the sun had come out and the day had finally turned into the beautiful, warm Spring day our weatherman had promised, and my mood was miraculously balanced. It truly was a miracle. I came back to the office so much more in control of myself, and feeling rather happy. It's amazing how much weather affects me, and not a little bit creepy...

Later in the afternoon, both Rachel and I needed a break, and the sun was still shining, so we took a quick 15 minute walk around the Capitol grounds. 

You guys, DC is so pretty in the Spring! It was probably 70+ degrees out, sunny, and the Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom. I haven't been down to the tidal basin, where Cherry Blossoms line the whole area - and so do tourists (boo overwhelming crowds!) - but the Capitol has some blossoms as well, so we put on our tourist hats (figurative) and took some pictures (literal). Last post was all snowy and cold. This post (for the rest of the way) - warm and beautiful! We've decided we're going to do a photo challenge and take more pictures on our afternoon walks/lunch breaks. Who knows if we'll have such easy access to the Capitol grounds this time next year?

(It's like this guy knew I was trying to get a picture of him with the Capitol in the background, he's perfectly posed. It wouldn't be surprising if he did know, though - I wasn't too quiet in my comments to Rachel during my photo attempts)

There is also this cool weeping willow/cherry blossom on the side of the Capitol, which I got pictures of as well, but apparently I didn't download it from my blackberry (oh yeah, big P.S. - we didn't intend to take pictures, so we didn't bring our phones or cameras. These pictures are all from my blackberry, so they're not the best). Unfortunately, that also means the photo that I think won Day 1 of the Random Photo Challenge 
did not make it on here. I'll have a follow-up post soon, maybe. No promises.

Anyway. This is the view I get from my office window (and by my window, I mean the chief's window, which I look through when I lean back in my chair far enough, and he's not at his desk blocking the way), and the view I get whenever I walk outside. Morning grumpies aside, I live a pretty charmed life, I know.

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