Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Downton Katey

Last night, I dreamt that I was living in a dramatic mini-series that resembled what my brain must think Downton Abbey is like (I've yet to start my future obsession with that show).

It was an intense life, let me tell you.

I'm pretty sure I was 3 different characters at different points in the dream - one of which was ill and losing my hair (I'm pretty sure my dream self didn't have cancer, though, so the hair falling out was extra surprising), and because I didn't want to burden someone else with my troubles, I was going to leave my lover/husband (I'm not exactly sure about the relationship status there...) while he was sleeping, so he'd find me missing when he awoke. Which is a total bummer because he was totally cute (aaaaaand boy-crazy fifteen-year-old me beats out emotionally unstable subconscious me).

And all this dream happened in the eras of 1910-1940. It bounced back and forth between them all. Which really means that I just don't know much of the subtle differences between some of those decades...

I think my brain made this BBC mini-series in my sleep because I was talking to my brother Ben last night about Downton Abbey - he thinks I need to watch it. And in the past 3 days, 3 men (not all related to me) have told me what a great show it is, and that perspective is more compelling than all the millions of women who've told me the same thing. Ben mentioned the era in which it is set, and I told him I needed to make sure I had time to immerse myself completely in its drama, because I knew I would get wholly engrossed in it when I started watching, and my schedule has not allowed that of late.

But apparently my subconscious really wants me to watch. So I guess I'll have to listen to myself.

Who knows where my dreams will take me next, if I don't?

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