Thursday, May 13, 2010

Looking Fabulous and Feeling Fine at 24

Today I am 24 years old. And 3 days.

And I look fabulous. And I'm feeling fine.

I was surprised at how little I had changed from 23 years old. When I woke up as 24, I expected my age to start showing. But no, I still look like I'm 19. I think I've been stuck at age 19-21 since I was about 15. It was awesome then. And, I'm not gonna lie, it's still pretty awesome. All the maturity of a 24 year old, but the youthfulness of a 15 year old. Though I wouldn't mind a more mature skin - I'm also still enjoying the stupid skin of a newly-pubescent teenager. Stupid zits. Oh wait, I mean blemishes - 23 year olds get zits. 24 year olds have blemishes.

And I've been enjoying a zit-free lifestyle for 3 days now. I'm loving this maturity. I no longer have to excuse my tiredness at 3pm, I anticipate enjoying prunes, and I can start my conversations with my younger peers with, "when I was your age, the internet was all dial-up, facebook didn't exist, and forget texting!" Kids these days.

My first day as 24 years old was on Tuesday. May 11th. Starting at 2:26am. I was the punk kid who made my mom stay up at all hours of the night, trying to birth me. And on Mother's day, of all times. I like to think I was my first present to my mom on Mother's day. I also like to ignore the fact that this meant more work than she probably wanted to do on her day.

I have a book in our local library in Mequon, WI dedicated to me. It was a prize we won in our town for having a baby closest to Mother's day. We tied with another woman and her son, born that same day. I don't know what the book is - some children's book. But I like to think I was a lucky baby, already winning contests for my mom. Happy Mother's day, mom. Here's another great present from me.

It seems fitting, actually. I'm still my mother's book baby. I make lists of what I want to read, make my mom go to the library and get them for me, or buy them online and have my mom reprove me for buying them when we have a perfectly good library down the road. With a perfectly good month-long waiting list for any book worth reading, I retort.

I could live in bookstores. I always felt like my dream job would be running a super great bookstore - without having to worry about the running part. Or becoming an audiobook narrator. I think I'd be great at that. Once, when I was helping my sister move across the country, we started listening to an audiobook and decided we hated the narrator. So I took over. It was awesome. I was awesome. Until 5 minutes later, when I got carsick and had to close my eyes and take deep breaths to regain my composure. But that's why I will be an audiobook reader on disc, rather than a personal traveling reader - it's better for all involved.

For my birthday, I bought myself a book I really wanted. My mom called a little bit later and told me that my book was surprisingly already available to us at the library - the waiting list got to us faster than we imagined. I told her I had already gone and bought it. She questioned my sanity at buying a book available at the library. I questioned her still not knowing her daughter very well.

I also bought myself an Ipod touch. First app I downloaded? The Complete Works of Shakespeare. The second? Classics2Go. Now I have physical books and e-books in a pocketsize reader!

I also went to dinner with some friends at a fabulous Thai restaurant in downtown Salt Lake City. Now that I'm 24 and mature, I eat at trendy downtown restaurants that serve mature, grown-up cuisine. While at dinner, I talked with 3 of my friends about good books we've read, good books we need to read, and good books we own that we can lend to each other. Then I ate fried bananas and ice cream, feeling so fine and looking fabulous all the while.

I love being 24.

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