Friday, May 7, 2010

Thoughts From My Desk

When I'm at work, I often find myself staring at my computer screen, having drifted through numerous random thoughts. 15 minutes have passed by, and I have yet to send the email that makes no sense to me information-wise, but that sounds stunning otherwise. I'll admit, this isn't so bad now that I have a new, super nice 22" flat monitor to work with - my thoughts swim in the screen's liquid picture.

I justify my mental vacations with 2 reasons: 1.) exercising my brain in various ways is the only way to keep my mind sharp and able to write such beautiful emails, and 2.) my random thoughts are always related to work in some way, even if just barely hanging on by a thread. It may have come from a realization or bit of knowledge gained by/at work, or started with something that definitely was work-related, but then spiraled off to something completely different.

What I'm really most impressed with is just how many thoughts/realizations I come to at work in just one day. For instance, my mind today:

  1. The office is always cold.
  2. More specifically, my cubicle is always cold.
  3. How does it work that my cubicle can be freezing, but I step around my wall, and it's 10 degrees warmer?
  4. My boss's office is much warmer.
  5. It also smells like orange cleaner.
  6. My boss has ADD, bad.
  7. I think my other boss has a little ADD, too, but not enough to be officially diagnosed.
  8. It's only 10am, and I'm completely starving for lunch.
  9. When did I have breakfast?
  10. Only 2 hours ago?!
  11. I haven't done enough to be so famished yet.
  12. Why is it that I can go 6-8 hours between lunch and dinner and not feel any rumbling in my tumbly, but I can't even make it through 3 hours between breakfast and lunch?
  13. Eating a bigger breakfast won't even curb my appetite.
  14. I don't think I like cushy desk jobs as much as I thought I did.
  15. I can't believe how tired I get from sitting around all day.
  16. Maybe if I pull up these notes and prop my head like I'm really trying to read and concentrate, no one will realize that I'm actually napping quickly.
  17. No, people are smarter than I want them to be - they'll totally catch me.
  18. I think my boss gave me ADD.
  19. It's contagious, you know.
  20. I really want to be at home cleaning my bedroom and bathroom.
  21. They have been so neglected for the last two weeks.
  22. I can't wait to go home and do some cleaning.
  23. Too bad I know that when I actually do get home, that urge will be completed dissipated.
  24. This weekend, for sure. I WILL clean!
  25. My boss's goal is that no one spend Sunday night dreading Monday morning.
  26. I don't think I've ever experienced that.
  27. I think that's just the right of Sunday night - it's main purpose.
  28. I have always dreaded Monday morning.
  29. But maybe I've just been conditioned to hate Mondays by songs like "Manic Monday" and other delightful 80s music.
  30. Surprisingly, Tuesdays are even worse.
  31. Everything bad always happens on Tuesdays.
  32. At least at work.
  33. My birthday's on a Tuesday this year, so maybe we can skip a week of bad Tuesdays.
  34. The only nice thing is that I can have something to blame when things go bad on a Tuesday.
  35. Because it's Tuesday.
  36. Good job, Tuesday. You've made yourself useful for once.
  37. And now I'm personifying a day of the week.
  38. And not even a good one.
  39. My least favorite one, in fact.
  40. Perhaps it's time to get back to work.
  41. I wonder how soon my immune system can get over this case of ADD I've picked up.
  42. I've found that I am more willing around 9am to think that I can and should stay late at work today.
  43. I've also found that at 4:45pm, I realize that I actually can't and really shouldn't stay late at work.
  44. I don't think I can sit at my cushy desk any longer.
  45. It feels like I've been here at my cushy desk job for half a day already, but it's only 10:15am.
  46. Why am I so hungry?
  47. That's it, I'm taking lunch at 11 today.
  48. I've been working hard, I deserve a break then.

Sometimes even I'm amazed that I get anything done in a day.

Wishing you and your day work together better than me and mine!


Berkley said...

hahaha I love it! Truly sounds like you have ADD... wow, a new Kate! Also, you shouldn't look forward to cleaning. That's kind of weird.

AND... it's almost your birthday!!! WAHOO!!

Michelle said...

SBFF (Secret Blog Friends Forever)!