Sunday, March 3, 2013

Oh Hey There.

Hey friends.

Remember that time that I had a blog and wrote in it and stuff? Yeah, me too. Those were the days.

I feel like this happens every couple months or so (or weeks, whatever) - where I have absolutely nothing to say.

I've been hibernating these last few weeks. It's been freezing out - 30s, feels like 20s, with terrible wind. Then a quick 50 degree day - Summer! - and then back to freezing. I recognize that my freezing is not like the freezing of other, colder regions, but it doesn't mean I haven't almost completed my transformation into an ice cube. A friend of mine said to me the other day that I was radiating freezingness. My lower legs were purple and were ice to the touch. It's been that way for the last few weeks...

And the cold has stalled my brain, so I have nothing to say! It's horrible, I hate it. The most mental activity I've been able to muster lately has been in practicing my lithp with a roommate and occasionally talking in a british accent. I honestly feel like I'm short-circuiting. Ahem...I mean, I'm thort-thircuiting.

But I suppose life has happened still. I'm still living, even if most of it is purely day-to-day survival mode.

There was a time in February where I went on a last-minute trip to Chicago, which was not a warm getaway, but it was a beautiful escape for a long weekend. And 50 games of Dr. Mario later, I came back to Virginia to find that 40 degrees was indeed warm compared to the -2 degrees that I left in the Midwest.

And I joined a gym closer to home, so I've found that to be a good way to both get me out of my house and warm me up quite nicely. It's also not too busy, which makes me very happy. Plus, two times I've gone, Marquette basketball has been on ESPN on the TVs, so I've been able to enjoy seeing them. The gym also allowed me to finally finish an audiobook I've been struggling through for the last 5 just got really boring in the last 4 very long chapters...but I finished! I claim it as an accomplishment.

And I'm sure I've done a few more things, though if I think about it, I really can't recall having done anything at all.

Basically, I'm just waiting anxiously for Spring. I've pulled out my brightest articles of clothing and I shaved my legs (okay, I've done that all winter, but not terribly often, if I'm honest...). I'm in desperate need of some rebirth and life renewal. I'm about to turn into a zombie. And I've never really gotten into the whole supernatural zombie/vampire/werewolf trend going on, so I'd rather not turn into one.

So hurry up, Spring! At least get here in time for my brother's trip here with his family! I don't have enough good cold-weather activities to entertain them with!

But to end on a happy note (the complaining nature of this post is unfortunately a rather accurate portrayal of my attitude lately...), here's a song that kept me all sorts of spunky and peppy yesterday whenever I started to feel my energy lagging. It's my "I'm ready to live again!" song. Feel free to get up and dance if you'd like. I know you want to.

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