Friday, March 15, 2013

Mmm, Girl: Older Gentleman Edition

I had to go back to work two nights this week, from 10-11pm (my life is the worst), for a conference call sort of thing that my boss was doing for people back west. I was there to help get people queued up to ask questions, so I talked to them first before quickly before getting them lined up on the call. Aside from the late nights, they were good calls, I had fun with my coworkers, and I talked to some really nice, thoughtful people.

One older gentleman stood out to me in particular, more so for his last comment before I transferred him than for the question he wanted to ask. The conversation ended with this:

Kate: "Well, thank you for your question, {name of older gentleman}, I'll add you to the queue."

Older Gentleman: " Great. And what's your name?"

K: "My name is Kate"

OG: "Oh! Like 'Kiss Me Kate'!"

K: "Ha, yup, I've heard that quite a bit before!"

OG: "Yeah...I bet you kiss a lot of guys, with this lovely voice that you have."

K: "uh, ha, well, thank you! And thanks for your question, I'll add you to the queue..."

He seemed like a really sweet older man. And we all know that compliment is getting stored away and remembered forever. I'm going to put it in my "self-esteem book" to boost me up later.

Okay, I don't actually have one of those books.

But I'm seriously considering starting one now.

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