Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sitting On My Porch On a Warm Spring Morning

This is just a little poem I thought up while I sat on my porch last Sunday. I quickly wrote most of it down after coming inside, so it's a little rough, but I wanted to get it down somewhere. Third stanza pending. Thanks for indulging me!

Sitting On My Porch On a Warm Spring Morning

I sit on my porch,
The sun entombs me in its warmth,
And I will be happy if I never move again.
But then the breeze swirls me up,
Left, right, back, and again,
and my hair twirls, accepting its invitation
To dance,
and they move together as one,
Free and happy in the sunshine.

The sun is radiant, so I close my eyes
And my other senses take over.
The birds sign and call to each other
As though they're perched right next to me.
The bees buzz hello and goodbye
As they whiz past in their daily work.
The wind tickles my feet
And the sun blankets my outstretched arms.
The happy smell of fresh laundry floats by
In the air -
It comforts me and transports me to
The backyard of my childhood.
Spring is a season that indulges all of the senses.

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