Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Living the {Contented} Life

Today I left work and went over to a small park area by my building and, with apple in hand for a nice, crisp treat, became thoroughly engrossed with my newest travelling companion, Anna Karenina. I don't think I've had such an enjoyable 30 minutes after work in quite a while. A good book, a juicy apple, a beautiful sun shining down. I felt purely blessed in my situation.

So I don't have any exciting adventures to turn you green with envy or convince you that I'm 'living the life,' whatever that really means, but I'm rather content with my life right now. A giant work of literature in my purse, which I rented from the Library of Congress, which I like to affectionately call 'my Library' (I have an account and all!); hot, Summer weather and bright, bold sunshine; a continually growing number of friends (and a few great friends I can count on all the time to be ready for a fun time); an awesome city at my fingertips, ready for me to explore it when I can, patiently waiting when I can't; and a Summer tan that's slowly but surely settling on me, promising to help me get through the silly Winter season by staying with me as long as possible during those dark and dreary months.

I love Summer. Everything always seems so much better in the warmth of sunshine. I didn't even complain about the 200 degree weather we had today. Maybe I'll come back and complain about it tomorrow, but I won't spoil my mood today. I just feel too good right now.

I hope you're feeling happy today, too. Tuesdays are usually my worst day of the week (Monday's been given a break in my book, the lucky dog), so I'm glad to have had a reprieve this week. Happy Tuesday to you! And may the week just get better and better for you day by day!

P.S. I know I'm only 130+ pages into Anna Karenina - which is akin to holding in my hand just one strand of fur from the coat that covers the luxurious Oliver the cat - but I'm really liking it. I'm not pacing myself super well, so I hope I don't get burned out, but I'm enjoying it so much, I feel like I need to ride this wave as long as I can. You know it's good writing when you're practically bathing in your own sweat while reading outside, but you're mentally checked out of it, completely transported to the Russian winter, and feeling all the sensations and emotions of the character you've become. Or maybe I just get sucked into books too easily. The latter is particularly true, but I'm going to give the book its due credit here, for sure. I'll keep you updated on my progress through the massive tome I'm hauling around with me - if only to keep my own timeline of how long it takes me to finish it...it might be awhile...

1 comment:

Berkley said...

Oh my goodness! I'm reading Anna Karenina as well! Great minds think a like... :) I've been reading it for a month now and am only halfway through it... such a long book! ha ha but I love it!