Sunday, August 15, 2010

Potty Mouth Weekend!

Why is it that stupid, potty humor has gotten funnier the older I've gotten? I remember rolling my eyes when people in high school made silly jokes that I was almost crying about last night, I was laughing so hard!

My best answer to that is an answer I use for a lot of things - because I know the people using that humor have higher senses of humor and they are able to be mature and grown-up funny, too, so they are allowed to use lower senses of humor now.

My dad really hates - like, he HATES - the word "pee." And I was talking with my parents about how we were going to get Cat out to Zach in St. Louis. Dad mentioned that Zach and Jamie had found a good place to live, but the homeowners they'd rent from didn't allow cats, for obvious reasons. Mom decided to clarify that the obvious reasons had to do with the fact that cat pee is hard to get out of carpet.

My dad's noise instantly wrinkled.

We went on a little longer with this, though, until my dad couldn't take it any longer. So Mom and I subsituted any other word for "pee" that we could think of, but picky Dad could not contented. So we discussed how suprising it is how many people use the word so openly and easily. Then Mom tried to explain to Dad that she agrees, it's gross to hear people speak like that, but talking about cat pee was different. The explanation didn't get very far.

So we moved on.

Then my sister Abby and her family finally made it to our house Friday evening - they're staying in Idaho (from Arkansas) for the month, so they're visiting Utah for the week or so - and of course, I had to explain the whole predicament we had earlier.

Abby and I are really cool. We're lots of fun, and we have too much fun together these days. We lived this up.

All the potty humor came out, and our cute Dad took it like a champ!

We also had a nice dance party in the car yesterday on the way to and from the Zoo - we're really good car dancers - and once again, Mom and Dad made it through the car ride with us, as we blasted Neil Diamond and Flo Rida. Interestingly, it's kind of hard to get "low, low, low, low, low..." in a car, but that part of Flo Rida's song is really cute when your 4 year old niece is singing it. Also interesting, Taylor Swift's "Love Story" is really cute when the same niece sings all the words and hits all the notes exactly. Nice job Elle Bean, awesome singing yesterday!

Barlow game night was also a success last night - Mom won all the games, as usual. She was also the score keeper, as usual, so... Barlow game night is always a party, though. We had makeshift banana splits with chocolate syrup that only Mom was willing to say actually tasted like chocolate syrup, and Mountain Dew Turbo, which I personally think looks like Smurfs pureed, but which was a hit with everyone else around the table.

Overall it was a fun-filled night (aside from when Dr. Devn operated on my nail-punctured foot - no nail pieces left behind, but there was a some flip flop remains in it, gross, huh?) that didn't end until around 1:30am. And I don't know what it was - Abby's blaming the ginseng in the Mountain Dew, I'm blaming our wit and style, and our extensive knowledge of The Emperor's New Groove - but I was laughing so hard last night that I about p-d my pants!

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