Wednesday, August 25, 2010

His & Hers: Creepy Stalker Songs

I always thought the whole idea of writing "His" and "Hers" on towels and robes was weird - the 3rd person reference is what messed me up. I want to use my towel, not her towel, so I'd prefer if it said "Mine" on my towel. I recognize that would become confusing if both his and my towel said "Mine" on them, though, so I say skip the whole thing.

Luckily, that's not really my main point of discussion today.

Instead, I've included a much more useful "His & Hers" item today - fun stalker songs for him and her! I was listening to a song yesterday that I really like, but I realized mid-song how creepy it would actually be if someone was actually doing this. Then I thought of another song a friend had introduced me to that's rather more obviously stalker-ish, but made me laugh while also squirming in my chair. Let's begin with that one, the "His" stalker song:

InsideOut - Stalker Song: Obviously, it's rather obvious about it's intentions, but still. A friend (a boy) introduced another song from InsideOut to me awhile back that is cute and fun, but then a different friend (a girl) played this song for me, and we laughed rather uncomfortably as the lyrics sunk in more and more. It's when he takes the cat hostage in order to get a date that makes the song a little too possible in my life for me. It still makes me laugh though, thinking about someone taking the time to write this song - and to have it go to the tune of "Happy Together" is pretty genius in its irony as well.

"Hers" stalker song:

Mindy Gledhill - Crazy Love: Maybe this is a double standard, but this is actually one of my favorite songs right now, and it's not nearly as creepy as the outwardly stalkerish quality of "His" song. It's got a much happier, bouncy beat to it, which makes it much less unnerving. Perhaps that's fitting - girls always are a little more smooth and quiet in their activities than boys. This song comes from Mindy's newest CD, which is full of non-creepy, fun songs, and as this song appears at the beginning of the CD, followed by love songs and mother/daughter dedicated songs, it would seem her way of getting the guy worked out - good for you, Mindy! the end, she's still a girl hiding in a tree, watching a guy she likes in his apartment. Try as you might, it's still a song about a stalker.

As I'm writing this, it's occurring to me that both of my stalker songs of choice come from LDS musicians. I guess this must be part of the curriculum for BYU's "dating & courtship" and "interpersonal communications" classes. Scary.

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