Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Pardon the last post...

A Quick Note: Please pardon anything in the previous post that seemed random, had missing letters/words, or didn't make any sense at all. I started falling asleep near the end typing it - it had been a very long day/week, and I surprised myself at how quickly my mind and body shut down on me. In all honesty, I'm not sure why I even started writing a blog post - the night is a bit blurry - but I think it came from the desire to celebrate my last day of work on my actual last day of work. One of those "must be written on the day" things, to mark the holiday. Don't judge me by what I said. Instead, celebrate that I even thought about the faxt that I have a blog, and that I wanted you to be joyful with me.

And now on to bigger and better things.

Actually, I don't really have anything bigger or better to talk about. But I felt like I was neglecting my little blog, after having been really good at writing in it for a little bit (kind of), and I wanted to get back to it with full force. So let's see, how to recap the last few days:

1. I gave a talk on Sunday at church. I actually think it turned out decently - better than I anticipated. I made my mom read over it first, to make sure I didn't sound insane, or like my last blog post. She could've lied to me and said it sounded good, and that would've been enough for me to go in with a little confidence booster. But she sounded sincere enough as well, so that was nice. Then mom and dad came to hear me speak, and my bishop's wife later spent 10 minutes talking with my mom about random things, namely how wonderful I am - I love people like that. Who think you're great based on their first impressions of you, and never take the time to update their opinions. I appreciated her kind words.

2. I helped mom and dad plan my grandma's 90 birthday bash at our house Monday. I went shopping with mom, made the table all lovely and inviting. The table setting skills would've made any cotillion teacher glow with pride. I helped skewer shrimp (which look like maggots before they're cooked, by the way. Who originally decided those translucent buggers would likely be good to eat?! Blegh). I cleaned the bathroom, and I dusted to Neil Diamond's Jazz Singer and ABBA. It was a good day. Then the guests came over, and I quickly cleared out after saying hello to well-known and long-lost aunts and uncles alike.

3. I played volleyball through Monday night, while the party continued at my house. I've been playing sand volleyball at least once a week for this 2nd half of the Summer, and it's been a blast. And might I say, I'm pretty good. I play with a pretty fun, rotating crowd, and we have a lot of fun with it. Though the rules are not always known/played by, which sometimes affects the lightheartedness we generally play with. But overall, when someone isn't dunk/spiking it or stealing a hit clearly called by another play, it's fun. On Monday, I made a motion that 2 boys who were playing can never be on the same team again (they make each other play worse, which is no good, since they didn't start very high), and that I never have to play directly next to one of those boys - because if I do stand by him, I never get to play at all. But enough with my little rants - it was fun, so why complain?

4. I slept in late this morning, woke up to an empty house, and spent the majority of my afternoon reading on our front porch. I started reading on our back patio, but a hovering hornet forced me from my luxurious setup near the fountain. I'm pretty sure that hornet hates me - I swear he's always around, and he hangs out really close to my legs, daring me to shoo him away. I'm pretty sure I wasn't smelling like a flower or anything - I hadn't showered yet today - so I don't know where he comes off thinking he can stalk me like that. Bah, stupid bugs. Speaking of, I have far too many mosquito bites right now, and yet I still find it hard to complain since this has been a much better summer for me and mosquitos than any I ever spent in Wisconsin. Maybe one day I'll learn to like bug spray. But probably not.

So that's been the life so far. I sure do enjoy spending Tuesdays like they're Saturdays. And I'm looking forward to spending Wednesday the same way. I love long vacations!

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