Wednesday, November 16, 2011

22 Unconnected Thoughts While Traveling Home on a Wednesday Evening

  1. Sometimes I have curly-ish hair. Sometimes I like it. Sometimes I hate it.
  2. My biggest pet peeve is when people chew gum really loudly, or with their mouth open. Can't. Stand. It.
  3. Armageddon is the only movie that consistently works my tear ducts. Liv Tyler's hand on the screen where her martyr father was just talking to her for the last time, her head hanging down. Gets me every time.
  4. Autumn is my favorite season (though my fondness for Spring always returns with the warmer temperatures after Winter). I particularly like warm Autumns, like the one I'm getting this year. 68 degrees in November!
  5. I love when I catch a surprise whiff of fabric softener while I'm walking outside.
  6. I get the giggles more often when I'm alone than when I'm with a group of people.
  7. I like the idea of bubble baths, but I never take them. I actually find them to be more hassle than relaxing, in the end.
  8. The only good thing about losing daylight time is the look of the city lights reflecting off the dark Potomac river on my way home from work. Beautiful.
  9. I've kind of always wanted to have just boys, when I have a family, but I only have girls' names picked out for my future children. Eleanor and Olivia. Apparently I'm only having 2 kids.
  10. A sturdy umbrella = pure happiness in a wet environment.
  11. Ever since my first job, I've had a constant fear of inadequacy in the workplace. Every three months or so, I get anxious that I'm going to get fired.
  12. I've never really understood the whole vampire/werewolf/zombie craze. Give me a normal person over a strange, morphed, non-person any day.
  13. I love hand-written letters to friends and lovers. I wish I'd actually write them sometimes.
  14. I like saying the word "lover" sometimes. It makes me giggle (see #7).
  15. I wish I had a better voice than I do. I'd love to be a good singer.
  16. I think I was meant to be British. Or some sort of United Kingdom native.
  17. I used to think that, as far as the Love Languages are concerned, I was definitely an "acts of service" girl - but I'm totally appreciating my need for "words of affirmation" and "quality time" these days.
  18. I like a good, old-fashioned dance party when I'm getting ready for bed. It's a great way to get rid of any excess energy before bedtime.
  19. When I get nervous, I get itchy.
  20. I wish I liked working out more than I do.
  21. I'm an old soul - I love crossword puzzles, looking up the weather forecast, and Jeopardy.
  22. Slow dancing with a cute boy is one of my favorite activities.

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