Monday, October 25, 2010

Costume Brainstorms at 1am

I was talking with my friend earlier tonight about a Halloween dance/party we decided we'll attend this coming Saturday (after attending Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" Saturday morning, of course). It's a costume party, of course, so we were brainstorming on what we would be this year - mainly what she would be. I tend to stick to an outfit for multiple years - you may call me boring and unoriginal, but I consider it more economically-conscientious; I like to get good use out of my costumes. Plus I get anxious about putting together actual costumes, so when I get a good one, I hold on to it.

Take my poodle skirt phase - I was a 50's girl for about 7 years in a row, due to an oddly large amount of poodle skirts we seemed to have. They were all cute, and I loved wearing them, so I took the opportunity as much as possible. I'd be one now if I had a skirt again.

Then there was the default witch costume I used for 4 straight years as a child - it was a cute little dress, and I was darling, so why change a good thing? Plus, I got to wear tights with ghosts on them - pretty rad, if I may say so myself!

I was an Indian one year, which I really enjoyed, and who in our family didn't enjoy the cute little lamb costume at age 3?

In college, I had to just do whatever I could with what I already had, so I've also been: Grandmother Willow (from Pocahontas, though I think of it more as a prequel - Gma Willow in her younger years), the Rainbow (a happy accident, I must say), and a couch potato (this didn't really require a costume, just a determination to not get off the couch all night...I was a good one that year).

But just because my actual costumes are often repeated and rather bland, it doesn't mean I don't have a good imagination for costumes that others can wear! I had some good ones for my friend tonight. My ideas, and the ideas I got from children's costume lists, made for a good selection to choose from.

5. Inky, from Pacman - everyone goes the Mario Kart way, but Inky's pretty original - it's also on the list of 10 unsexy costumes, for girls who don't want to be a 'sexy' something this year. Awesome.

4. A Working Floor Lamp - a classic of brother Ben's making. I'm oftentimes impressed by that guy. Props to his creativity, channeling a Karate Kid-esque idea and making it work. Literally. It's a costume I share with everyone when this conversation comes up.

3. Lawn Gnome - If I was shorter, it'd be the automatic go-to costume of choice.

2. A Pig in a Blanket - a nice pun on the food. It's my back-up plan right now...

And the #1 goes to...
1. Crazy Cat Lady - complete with slippers and tattered bathrobe, crazy messy hair, nasty lipstick and rouge, and a multitude of stuffed kitties glued to her or hanging on leashes. Awesome, no? Pure inspiration, that one.

Honorary Mentions:
* Lumberjack - this makes the list purely because my friend had thought of it, with a nasty unibrow and other blah features, and I said, "Oh, so a Minnesota Lumberjack then?" A little Northern Midwest humor - if such a thing exists. I thought I was pretty clever, anyway.

* Sister Wives - you need to have 3 or 4 other friends who are okay hitting the streets frumpy-style, and feeling all-around kind of creeped out, but still, clever. Curiously, this also made the list of 10 unsexy costumes, though I can't imagine why...

Honestly, I fall more in love with the Crazy Cat Lady idea the more I think about it. I'm going to need to remember this one and bust it out at the next family party in a few years, when I'm still single and by my lonesome, and everyone else is surrounded with their growing families. It'll be a good time.

Or perhaps I'll use it this year when kids come knocking at my door, asking if I have any treats to give in order to save myself from getting tricked - when I open the door, they won't know if it's a costume or real life, and they'll run away screaming. Who got the last trick now, suckers?!

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