Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Productive Saturday, In a Different Way than Planned

I went to bed last night with the greatest of intentions for today. Truly I did.

I was going to get some good rest, wake up at a decent hour, clean my room and my house, go grocery shopping, maybe head out for a run, get myself cleaned up a bit, and then go see the Holiday Boat Parade of Lights on the Potomac River.

Well, after sleeping in to what I still consider a decent hour, though it was a little later than planned (my eyes would not open), I did get up and start cleaning. I partially made my bed. I got the kitchen in at least decent shape. And I sat down to eat breakfast and saw that a favorite movie of mine was on tv, so I thought I'd watch a little while - and then I'd go back to my plans for the day. We were meeting at 5pm for the boat parade, and I had a lot to do before then.

My show was getting close to ending, and I was working myself up to moving on, and then my downfall came.

A Lifetime Christmas movie.

Last year, it was the Hallmark holiday movies. I could not get enough of their cheese and sap.

Today, it was Recipe for a Perfect Christmas. Made in 2005.

The sudden arrival of her mother near Christmas sends an amateur food critic's life spiraling.

Who wouldn't get sucked in by that tagline?!

Well, 2 hours later, I'm still sitting on my couch, giggling from the made-for-tv holiday sappiness and the general illogical giddiness I get from cute, happy movies.

I just can't help it - I get so excited to see two meant-for-each-other people overcome the self-inflicted problems that keep them apart!

And I've found that, since the main audience for Hallmark and Lifetime is women, the self-inflicted problems are usually only the woman's problems. Art imitating Life!

Not really. But it's the holidays, so reality doesn't exist for 25 days - hurray!

Personally, I can never follow how in the world two complete strangers can have fallen in love so suddenly and truly, and I'm always surprised at how bothered I am by that senselessness in the middle of these shows - it's a movie! A made-for-tv movie! A movie the channel's company had to put together in 10 days! Who cares how they fall in love - so long as they do by the end of 90 minutes!

And that's exactly what I'm shouting through my smile and joy come the end of the movie.

90 minutes later, the woman who only has time for her profession and can't be bothered with love or makeup or clothes or fun has healed her broken relationship with her ridiculous mother and has fallen in love with the gorgeous Greek chef, whom she had earlier coerced into taking out her mother in order to keep her out of our protagonist's way!

Wait, what?!

Yeah, it's weird to say out loud.

But it's such a good movie, y'all!

I can't wait for it to be on again. You know I'm rearranging my schedule to watch it again.

And I'm forcing my roommates to watch it with me.

Just doing my part to spread the Christmas cheer!

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