Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Indexing is Fun!

I am the newest member of the Indexing Community, as of an hour ago tonight.

And I won't lie, I'm SO EXCITED!

I've already indexed/transcribed 2 names of veterans from wars during 1912, and now I'm working on a ship passenger list from 1932 - which is an easy one because it was typed out before. No crazy handwriting to have to work out just yet.

I'm, of course, starting on beginner level - because I need to ease into this. You start off too difficult and you never get the excitement and joy that comes from those first quick flashes of success.

I admit it, I'm giddy about indexing. And I'm getting so excited about family history - this new calling I got for church, as the family history co-chair, is really getting into my blood. Not so much that I actually know what I'm doing yet and can add to my tree, but just enough that I want to know more about all the people already found and connected on my branches. I'm craving the stories of my ancestors like I never have before.

I'm also craving my own story, feeling this fire to make sure I have a record to pass on - preferably more than my journals from my teenage years. That just seems like an incomplete story...unless the only  character illustration I want to pass on of myself is the boy-crazy young teenager who only goes to church dances and sports practices. Which is pretty accurate.

But I'm working on being better at writing in my journal now, as the young adult with a real job, working on Capitol Hill, involved in the Nation's political movements, in the midst of her Church's sudden spotlight moment in the public eye, living in a big city, still thinking a lot about cute boys. I feel like I have a lot that has shaped me and continues to shape me, and I want my descendants to know my story, if they realize one day, like I am, that it's really cool to know where you came from.

I've always known that my past includes my ancestors' pasts, and that I can know where I'm going by knowing where I came from, but I'm really craving details and specifics right now. Luckily, my parents have never been shy about telling those stories, so I know a few of my ancestors well. And hopefully I'm giving my descendants enough to know me as well - because they matter to me, so hopefully they can learn something through my experiences, like I learn from those who came before me.

All this to say I'm excited to be actively and positively contributing to others' searches for information on their ancestors. I've been meaning to get started on this for months and years now, but tonight I finally got that last push I needed to just git 'er done.

What are you doing to know more about where you come from? I'd love to hear!

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