Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Celebrating the 4th of July All. Week. Long.

Not that it will be all that noticeable, acknowledging my poor updating skills lately...but I'm peace-ing out for a week -Rollapalooza, I'm coming for you!

Hopefully I will be back with a terrible sunburn that mom will hate for ruining the family photo (so much for wearing pastels instead of bright colors!), 5 extra pounds of delicious bar-b-q and life-shortening Fair food, and about 4 hours of Plus some awesome memories, with accompanying photos.

Time to go celebrate Independence Day in America's Heartland. Next year, I'll stick in DC, but I'm getting away from the crazy this year. I don't like crowds...

For all y'all who aren't part of Rollapalooza, two things: 1.) I'm sorry. 2.) Have a fabulous 4th of July, your way! I know it will be awesome for you!

And just in case you are struggling to get in the right attitude for this particularly awesome Summer holiday, I've provided for you the ULTIMATE 4th of July emotion-booster:

Yes, Bill Pullman's iconic "Independence Day" speech, a staple in presidential speeches. Because nothing gets me more pumped to celebrate the 4th like taking down aliens intent on destroying us and taking over Earth. It really puts in perspective what those forefathers of ours were fighting for. I can relate to what they went through, because of what I went through, watching a movie about people going through something for the sake of the country.

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY, PEEPS! May the fireworks be bright, and the shrapnel not burn you as it rains down on your heads :)

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