Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Some Thoughts on a Nerd-Loaded Weeknight

Last night, I came home from work, made some delicious Texas Chili, went up to my roommate's room and watched the last 1/4 of the great PBS 25th Anniversary of the Musical - Les Miserables.

Then I helped said roommate study for her upcoming test in her online Logic class, explaining vocabulary and breaking down logical deduction problems with her.

It was maybe one of my favorite nights of the last few months.

Some thoughts from that great evening:
  • Jean Valjean - A to the M to the A to the Zing. Amazing. What impressive and beautiful control of his voice. I imagine that when the director casts that part, the only thing he asks in each audition is that the guy sing the last note of any of JVJ's songs - beautifully and for as long as he can. The man who can hold the note the longest without ever hinting at running out of breath gets the part.
  • I really believe those everlong notes JVJ sings are the reason for why that special was 4 hours long. FYI, totally o.k. with that.
  • Why sister Abby and I always fought over who got to be Eponine, the dirty street urchin who doesn't get the boy, is beyond me. I honestly think it gave me a complex about boys and dating.
  • I really, really like talking about Logic.
  • I am a REALLY BIG nerd.
  • Nick Jonas - not my favorite Marius, but for a kid new to Broadway and Musicals (good musicals, beyond Disney Channel yolk), he didn't do too bad. Could've been better, but quite honestly, I was expecting worse. He held his own, for the most part. Bravo, Nick Jonas - way to try something really hard and break away from the brothers. In case you're reading this, I always thought you were the cutest Jonas brother.
  • It's like the French don't want any part of their history to contain anything that doesn't include carnage and bloodshed. They just couldn't catch a break.
  • I'm also so proud of myself for remembering the lessons from my Logic class 2 years later - I spent enough time studying for that class, though, so those lessons might as well be tattooed in my brain at this point.
  • I can't believe it's already been 2 years since that class. That means I've been graduated from College for 2 years (plus 3 months...). What a strange feeling, since I swear I'm still only 22 years old.
  • It makes me sad that "Little People" always seems to get cut out of the Musical these days. But it's really a rather silly song with little importance to the overall production. So maybe I'm not too sad about it.
  • I will still sing "Little People" as loud as possible, though. With a weird cockney/pauvre French accent. It's really the only way.
  • Going to bed too late is obnoxious and bothersome, but totally worth it after an evening of singing Les Mis songs, working on Logic deduction, and finishing with a good roommate-to-roommate chat about life, Faith, and boys (because when does the topic of boys not make an appearance during girls' roommate-to-roommate chat?).
  • I will always love Enjolras, the leader of the French students, over Marius. Strong, confident leader or indecisive, heartsick puppy dog? Enjolras all the way.
And now, friends, it's time to go study some more logic (yay!) with roommate Melissa, so she can go into her test confident and loving logic as well!

Peace, homies!


Laura B. said...

Ben and I watched it Sunday night and LOVED it. Every second. We sang every song LOUD. I'm especially good at The Confrontation and One Day More. I add my own Lola spin to it.
We also watched all the songs again last night. I left and went to bed and listened to Ben downstairs by himself watching it again. Singing. Loud.

blackandwhitewaldo said...

We managed to be entranced by this production also (for several repeat performances)...recalling the family road trips with our "little people" singing all the songs most energetically...with some special energy while intoning (rather irreverently, I must say) about some flea biting the Pope somewhere irreverent. Hmmm. What a wonderful treat...for many hours. It is still on the dvr...for replay when you visit.