Monday, February 21, 2011

Of Presidents and Holidays

Thanks to a generous government job, I get to enjoy a lot of holidays that the private sector doesn't seem to respect enough to close for. I had grand plans of how I was going to take advantage of this Presidents Day - go for a run, read a book, maybe go shopping or explore some more of DC, check out Mt. Vernon (free entry on Presidents Day, apparently), or do whatever fun escapades I could think of.

Instead, I hid in my room and played Minesweeper and Solitaire all day.

It was like I was 10 again and was pretending my floor was hot lava, so I couldn't get off my bed for fear of getting burned. And since I had no pillows on the floor playing the role of rocks and boulders to step on, I stayed sitting/laying on my bed for a good 3 hours or so (give or take - probably give is closer).

Our kitchen - aka the Neverending Story - was getting worked on again today (all weekend, actually), and I find that when the Guy is over working on the Kitchen, I try to avoid the whole main floor as much as possible. And since it was cold and drizzling/gross outside ALL DAY, the idea of leaving the house for an extended walk/run didn't sound like a fun way of staying away from the construction (where did you go, uncharacteristically warm weather for February??) 

So instead, I hibernated in my room. To be fair, I did spend some time doing useful things. I vacuumed my room and did some laundry. I made my bed. I considered cleaning my bathroom. Then I considered showering.

Then I threw on a hat, a sweatshirt, and my slippers, and I returned to my lovely afternoon of doing nothing.

When I finally decided I should act like I live here and go upstairs, I came up to a kitchen full of furniture, a newly-running dishwasher (yay!!), and a final coat of improved paint color on the walls (the silly putty yellow was pleasing no one). Then I walked into our front room and saw our furniture moved to the middle of the room and covered. I didn't realize we were getting that room painted this weekend as well.

Of course, I never really know what's going to happen next.

All I do really know is that I WANT IT ALL TO BE DONE! I don't have much patience for renovations.

On the plus side, I did finally leave the house this evening, to go grocery shopping. And I went out in my hat, sweatshirt, sweatpants (capris, to be exact), and moccasin shoes. So that was a win.

And, after some research, I found out that I have awesome and completely random/coincidental connections to 2 boys my roommate wouldn't mind going out with. Incidentally, she was more freaked out than excited about the fact that these completely random boys could lose their "random" status if I worked my magic. Apparently, she's not ready to actually know them just yet. Oh well.

So the day ended on a high note. And, if I'm honest, the whole day was quite nice. Just not particularly exciting. Unless you consider some rather impressive times for solving Minesweeper levels exciting...which of course, I TOTALLY do!

Luckily, my Saturday was fun, what with a BYU basketball game and trying to find Ray's Hellburger - they make a good burger - and then eating said good burger from Ray's. Their sweet potato fries got totally Jimmered by all of us at my table.

So if anyone asks about my holiday, I'm totally swapping my Saturday and Monday - don't tell!

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