Monday, February 14, 2011

Hurray, It's Valentine's Day!

It's Valentine's Day - happy heart day, friends!

I got the best Valentine's gift today. Sunshine piercing through my window when I woke up and an outside temperature that reached 63 degrees. That's one big post-winter hibernation stretch that the weather enjoyed.

I didn't really get to go out and enjoy the warmth, but just knowing it was there was enough for me. Work was fine enough - I'm no longer there, so that's a good gift to me, from me. Then I came home in time to catch Part 1 of the Jeopardy Challenge, with Watson the IBM computer facing off against the only 2 guys to ever legitimately claim any actual fame from playing on that show. I'm rooting for Man over Machine, but I also have little expectation for my species.

And now I'm all cozied up in my comfies, blanket wrapped around me while I sit on my bed, listening to lovey-dovey romantic songs - because that's just what you do on V-day (plus it's my general playlist anyway, so it's not much of a change from any other day). And when I'm done writing here, I'm going to go wash my face so I have an excuse to not leave my bedroom anymore tonight, and then my imagination is going to curl up in the warm arms of The Scarlet Pimpernel, a literary love of my life.

All in all, I'd say this Valentine's day didn't turn out too shabby. What can I say, I like to treat myself well.

I hope you all had a wonderful heart day, as well! Any non-traditional ways of celebrating the day? Or did the traditional flowers and/or chocolate still get your heart thumping a little more romantically, even if you expected them?

Since I'm pretty sure only my sweet family and friends even know about this place, and even fewer of you actually read it, please know I genuinely wish each of you individually a happy and heartfelt Valentine's day! Thanks for letting me know what love feels like every day of my life. This day would be a lot more pathetic in my estimation every year without each of you to make it mean something to me!


katydid, kate-o, piglet (of Winnie the Pooh fame, thanks mom), little barlow, and however else I'm known by those I love.

1 comment:

Laura B. said...

Happy heart day Kate! We sure love you! Your day sounds delightful! xoxo