Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Things I Didn't Do Today

I didn't see President Obama when I went to lunch at Good Stuf Eatery today, because the crowd waiting to glimpse him coming out from enjoying a delicious burger was too big, and the police had blocked me and co-worker Matt (and everyone else on our side of the street) from crossing the street to get to the Eatery/President.

Consequently, I also did not eat a delicious burger from Good Stuf Eatery today.

I didn't get a funnel cake from the Special Cart today, despite one of the funnel cake makers trying to sweet talk me into satisfying my sweet tooth. I did, however, gleefully let everyone in my office know about it so they could enjoy the fun Fair cuisine offered. It's Fair Season, hurray!!

I didn't spend all day playing with a puppy in the office - I only spent a short amount of time playing with it before I left to go home. The Chief just got a cute little English Bulldog puppy, and brought it in for us to meet late this afternoon. I was supposed to be the puppy watcher while the Chief met with one of our staffers about something, but it got delayed and he got stuck in traffic, and yada yada yada, the puppy got here just before I left (and we all actually stayed late to see it...worth it!).

The puppy in the office!! Old man face on little boydog body = SO CUTE! He waddles around like a tough guy with a wedgie. In this picture, I'm holding him up and he's totally high-fiving co-worker Josh. Then he crawled on my lap, slobbered on my pants, chewed on my shoe, and then sauntered to the back office, where he promptly peed on the carpet. Oh puppies, what's to be done with them? This one's a keeper alright. Especially after lovingly licking co-worker Matt all over his face, causing Matt to giggle like a schoolgirl.

What didn't you do today? I also didn't go to bed early like I keep telling myself I'm going to every night this week...maybe tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

Court, Jon said...

Oooooh, I loved this post Kate-o :)