Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy Christmas, Summer!

I suppose I've just been feeling bookish lately.

And after finishing the Tolstoy's masterpiece, Anna Karenina (which I like to remind myself of constantly - it's my equivalent of enjoying running a marathon), my literary taste buds have been craving Classics. Today, I decided that Hugo's Les Miserables should be next on the list; Proust's Swann's Way has resurfaced as a contender for 2nd place (it crosses my mind strongly about once a year, trying to make itself a permanent resident on my 'books to definitely read' list. I don't know why it doesn't ever stick). Both are Father's picks, if I were a bookstore and had Family Staff picks. So Happy late Father's Day, Dad - I'm dedicating myself to your library.

And it looks like Les Miserables is going to have to be another loaner from my Library, because I sadly found out that Borders may be liquidating all their stock before going out of business, but I'm not the only person who thought to benefit from this by growing my personal library with Classics - the 4 books I made a note to look for specifically were gone, as well as most other works I could think of as I rummaged through the picked-over shelves.

BUT. Because I was at a bookstore, looking at each and every book in the "Literature" section, scouring the shelves for specific books that might (likely) be shelved incorrectly, I still found some gems left behind, which I gladly took home with me. AND because Borders is going out of business, I happened to get everything for 30-50% off, plus an additional 15% off for buying 8 items - the 8th purchase was a last-minute postcard for 50 cents. What?!

Why yes, I did save more than I spent at Borders this evening. Oh, and that's right, I did pay $7 or less for each purchase minus one book that deserved $10. I know, I too am quite pleased that I spent roughly a total of $30 for 8 items, from a bookstore where a single book might run close to that amount normally.

It was like Christmas in August - which is so much nicer than chilly December.

What I got:
Great Expectations - Dickens
A Christmas Carol - Dickens
Cyrano De Bergerac - Rostand
No Exit & 3 other Plays - Sartre
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead - Stoppard
Major Tales and Poems - Poe
Postcard of the Capitol by Moonlight
1000 piece puzzle of a pointillism painting by Seurat


Berkley said...

Oh I am sooo jealous!!! I want a Book Christmas in August! Pooh.

DF said...

The "Sunday Afternoon" puzzle is a great one. Every time I see that painting, I think of Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Great book pick ups too.