Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saturday Shopping = Never Again

First off, I would like to take care of a little bit of business. My friend Jillian recently linked my blog to hers in her post of the Brandon Flowers concert we enjoyed on Monday. I will attest to the fact that she did indeed freak out Brandon started singing her favorite song, and she was bouncing all over the place. I am a witness. Thanks again, Jillian, that was a blast!

Secondly, I had a great day today, and I just wanted you to know that. I didn't know until tonight that it was a great day - it could've swung either way, but the end was great, which made the day totally worth it. One of my roommates, Melissa, and I braved the crazy Saturday Target shoppers and loaded ourselves with fun, festive holiday cheer. Then we went back tonight, when it was not so crazy (I will never go to Target at noon on a Saturday weeks before a major holiday ever again. Saturday holiday shoppers=CRAZY!), to get finishing touches and tools we didn't realize we needed until we started to decorate.

We also had a fun guest with us on our second trip - honorary Barlow and dedicated car dancer Lauren Major. She came to town this weekend to check out the DC scene and see how many people could talk her into moving out here...quickly. Turns out, quite a few people were willing to do that - whether they had known her before or not.

She came over and checked out my digs this evening, and I showed her the neighborhood, highlighting a few decent places she could definitely move into. Then she came with Melissa and me to Target: Take 2. We got some good stuff and I was bummed that we had to send Lauren to another friend's house without her seeing the finished product. But it was so fun to see her and catch up, and I really, really hope she moves here!

AND, after a lot of hard work, some of Melissa's blood, and an hour of sweet Christmas music, the place looks great :). I'm giddy with excitement and accomplishment. Pictures to come...when I take them.

Seacrest out.

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