Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How I Survive a Slow Wednesday (or Tuesday, or Thursday, or...)

So there's a little something I like to do on slow days at work:

Yes, that's right - National Geographic's website has taken pictures people have submitted to them and created jigsaw puzzles to do! 

I'm a total fan. I keep my preferences set for relatively easy solving, because, you know, I'm at work and I can't be too invested. Sometimes I need to step away, or do work things, or pay attention to the world around me a little more, so I can't give myself too much of a challenge. So I've got it on small pieces, and no-rotating option. So the pieces are smaller and more plentiful, but they're already in the direction they need to be, so I don't have to deal with flipping them around.

It's such a pleasant little activity, particularly when a certain House is in Recess and, therefore, I have less to do than usual. And some of the pictures are really good. If you can get on there soon, I suggest going to animals - frogs and toads. One of the first options is this cute little frog resting on its folded arms, smiling at the camera. I was silently giggling (maybe not that silently...) at the sweet picture forever before I could start the puzzle, and the whole time I put it together, I had this idiot grin on my face I couldn't wipe away. It's darling, really, believe me.

I highly recommend it. Think about it - cool picture of Nature and animals, and puzzles! What more could a girl want? A lot, actually, but this fills in the gaps of unfulfilled wants quite enjoyably.

A word of caution though: you'll find yourself getting closer and closer to your computer screen the more puzzles you do at a time, and then you'll jump with more fright than usual when a co-worker or office visitor pops their head over the hutch blocking your desk and starts talking to you. Oh, this scenario doesn't feel relevant to you? Weird, I've experienced it a few too many times lately...

Oh, and you'll want to take a little break from them once you realize you've gone cross-eyed. The fuzziness will go away soon enough.

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