I find myself writing essays or new posts in my head when I'm on my way to or from work. But I switch from idea to idea so quickly that I rarely finish a thought in my head. But I do write some pretty good things in my head. I even do editing along the way. I go back to a word that I don't want to use much, right click to pull up my mental thesaurus, realize there's not much to choose from in mine, and clean it up best I can. It's important to do this right away because what if I don't remember I wanted to change to that word or fix that phrase later? Of course, I almost always seem to forget most of what I had even thought about in the first place, so my editing seems like a moot point. (I love the word 'moot.' Everytime I hear it or use it, I think of an episode of "Friends," where Joey was trying to explain to Rachel and Monica that their argument was all a 'moo point.' When Rachel asks if he means 'moot,' Joey responds, "It's a Moo point - it's like if you ask a cow for his opinion. His opinion doesn't matter at all. It's 'moo.'" One of Joey's more rational misunderstandings. Anyway...)
I've decided it's kind of a weird habit I'm getting into. It's problematic because it's like writing something in your journal and then trying to tell the story you just wrote again, in an email to your friend. It gets tiring writing the same thing over and over again, and I've already written it once in my head. I don't want to have to do it again! But it keeps me writing, kind of, and makes me keep thinking, I guess.
The best part about going through the creative process mentailly? I feel like I've got my own narrator for my life. It's like a movie, where the main character is doing something, and their thoughts are played over it. And I often sing to myself, so I guess I have my own soundtrack as well. The best is when I get the perfect song in my head while I'm walking down the street. I start to get the swagger in my walk, my hips pick up the rhythm, and I shake my head so my hair feels the breeze a little more. Then I smile, just a little, partially because that's what the walking girl in any good music video would do, and partially because I'm laughing so hard inside my head right now at the fact that I'm acting like I'm actually in a music video, but I'm trying so terribly hard to not let any burst of laughter escape for passersby to hear.
It's the little things, really, that get me through each day.
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