Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Birthday Song For You, But Mainly For Me (and Other Song References)

On this, my birthday eve, I thought I'd share a song with you that you should listen to on my birthday day - a song that is a new annual tradition for me to listen to on my birthday. I found it sometime last year, and I've since been counting down the days (which has been a long time, I found it, like, last summer...) until I could legitimately play it.

Sadly, it's kind of obscure, so it's NOWHERE on the interwebs in its entirety. And I'm short on time (I'm leaving on a jet plane in 4 hours!!!), and lacking a collection of pictures of my last 26 years, so I can't turn the song into a jazzy life montage of all my fun times on this planet, and then figure out how to put the montage on youtube so I could then link to it on this, my blog, and then later deal with copyright issues like all youtube videos for songs do. Otherwise, I would totally go all self-absorbed and do that, yo.

But I can't - so the best I can do is give a long explanation (see above) about why I'm just putting down a link to a clip of the song: (click on the clip for Kate. obviously)

Listen to the clip. Imagine how great the full song would be. And celebrate a day of joy that is my birthday. Because when it's my birthday, it's everyone's birthday!*

*I don't really know what that means, but it seemed like something a commercial would tell you. At any rate, I hope you enjoy my birthday as much as I'm planning to! if anything, because it's on a FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY!!!

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