Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Toothpaste - the New Leave-In Conditioner

This morning I got toothpaste in my hair while I was brushing my teeth.


But it wasn't at the end of a loose strand of hair, perhaps a stray section of hair that fell out of my hand while holding the rest of my hair back. And it wasn't during the tooth-brushing finale, when I was getting ready to spit and rinse either.

It was about 40 seconds after I'd started brushing my teeth, when I glimpsed a little bit of blue goo - and it was up near the top of my head, close to the part in my hair.

What the what?!

I don't even know how it got there. I gave it a lot of thought. Tried to picture every move I made since I'd placed a small dollop of fresh blue & white swirled toothpaste on my toothbrush. Nothing made sense.

How IN THE WORLD did I get toothpaste in my hair - at the roots??

I didn't think I knew how to spit up.

Gravity certainly has been playing some crazy tricks on me this morning.


Berkley said...


Berkley said...

p.s. I miss you Kate! Like A LOT!